Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Week #3

When you aren't sure about a new-to-you sewing technique or maneuver, baste it first.  For example, when setting sleeves, baste it with a long stitch to the right of your seam allowance, check your work, and then stitch it on the seam allowance with the right stitch length.  It seems like duplicate work, but if you end up seam ripping, you'll be happy you have those larger stitches.  If you have a computerized machine, your basting stitch might look something like this:

Speaking of putting sleeves on, I also recommend reinforcing the sleeves with a stretch stitch.  On some machines, this stitch looks like this:

This stitch setting is for stretch materials, but I think it makes a nice reinforcing stitch.  Try this stitch out on your machine.  The needle will sew forward, then backward, then forward twice, then backward once.  (Excuse the poor picture):

Did you notice the blue globs on my machine?  Here's a bonus tip for you...  Velcro your seam rippers to your sewing machine!  I still lose them from time to time, but this sure helps! 

That's the tip of the week!

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