Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Week #4

I am always looking for  different ways to save myself time when it comes to sewing.  I find the actual machine stitching is the fastest part - especially if you have a machine that runs smoothly.  Most of my time-saving tricks happen during the preparations portion of a project.  Cutting out a pattern takes so much time, and ironing pieces that have been sewn is a necessary evil.  I have found a way to cut down on the time it takes to pin things.  I've heard of women using glue sticks to baste projects, and that's a great idea.  I have mixed feelings about this, because I'm not sure how some of the fabrics I use would react to this.  There is a product on the market that I adore - and should probably buy in bulk:

Wonder Tape. 

Almost as cool as Wonder Woman, but a lot more versatile. 

The beauty of this tape is that I don't get it all over everything like I would glue (in stick form or otherwise), AND it washes out.  This double-sided tape is great for "basting" seams, or placing pockets, Velcro, and (drum roll, please....)  ZIPPERS.  I would dread putting in zippers before I found Wonder Tape.  It seemed like I was always fighting with pins during that initial basting of the zipper, and I always ended up getting stuck by a pin or five. 

What else to I love about Wonder Tape?  I can use it to stick spaghetti straps to my bra, or stick a creeping shirt to a camisole to keep it from shifting all day.  If I need a quick hem on a pair of pants and don't have time, I can Wonder Tape it.  It's a pretty handy product that made my top-ten list for the notions sales at JoAnn Fabrics. 

Hope you have enjoyed this quick tip!  I'm expecting The Big Brown Truck today, and I can't wait to get those boxes!

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